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Rebuilding the Broken Alter

By Greg Hood


 An examination of the 12 stones used by Elijah to rebuild the broken altar of God on the day that he challenged the prophets of Baal. These stones represent the 12 tribes of Israel, each with unique characteristics that we need in the church and the world today before God's fire and power will fall as it did for Elijah. "If there was ever a time when a people needed to return to the Lord, it is now. Greg Hood gives insight to the necessary process of recovering ourselves from the snare of the devil and experiencing the blessing of God again as a people. I would encourage, as you read to allow the Holy Spirit to stir your heart again with His passion for us individually and as a nation." Robert Henderson, Best Selling Author of “The Courts of Heaven Series”.

Rebuilding the Broken Altar (Hard Cover English) - Student Price

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