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Keeper of the Keys

By Tom Schlueter


We long for the Lord to visit us, to change us, renew us, save us, transform and heal us. In Keeper of the Keys, Tom Schlueter shares that he passionately longs for more than visitation. He wants the Lord to stay enthroned in our midst. If this is your desire as well, then rise up, Nehemiah! Seek the face of the Lord. Passionately pursue Him in prayer and worship. Rebuild the walls. Set the gates in place. Swing them wide open and declare “King of Glory, come in!” The Lord is looking for a place to dwell. Why not among us? He is looking for one to open the door. Why not you? All He needs is a Nehemiah – a gatekeeper – a keeper of keys! It is amazing that Nehemiah, a man in exile, would have such an intimate, personal relationship with God. In the midst of the darkness, God brought forth light to Nehemiah. Here was a man born in exile, born in the darkness of one of Israel’s blackest moments, but one who had an intimate, powerful relationship with God’s heart; and so, in his darkest times, God brought forth Nehemiah’s faith, his declaration, his destiny of rebuilding the gates and walls of God’s holy city. Pastor Schlueter exhorts you to come into your Nehemiah calling. Embrace it! God wants to transform the world you live in, and He is calling you in the same way He called a cupbearer named Nehemiah. God is opening doors so that His kingdom can come forth into this earth. But He needs gatekeepers –those who will open the doors of His power, presence and transforming life to come into family, workplace, city, state and nation. You will discover in these pages that you are a Keeper of the Keys. He has empowered you to be a gatekeeper. Like Nehemiah and Peter you have been given keys that will unlock the glory of the Lord in your region. Pastor Schlueter’s heart for worship and his vision for authoritative intercession permeate his preaching and teaching. He has a gift for using everyday life experiences to illustrate Kingdom principles. You will gain from reading this book a new understanding of the authority God has given you and a deeper hunger for the heart and will of the Father.

Keeper of the Keys - Student Price

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