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Open the heavens and discover God’s call and purpose on your life!Do you long to pursue God, discover your assignment, and advance His kingdom here on earth? This book is a compelling invitation to fervently seek and embrace your divine calling. Dr Alemu Beeftu offers a deep reflection on Biblical narratives that explore open heavens, open doors, open gates, and open hearts to encourage, empower, and educate the Body of Christ about prophetic destiny. With new revelation from Scripture, walk with God as He opens the heavens over your life.

“Dr. Alemu Beeftu has an amazing ability to take a profound spiritual truth and make it easy to understand. He epitomizes what can occur through a mature blending of Christ’s apostolic and teaching anointings. God wants to open the heavens over your life, home, family, business, city, and nation. This tremendous book will show you how.” —Dutch Sheets, Founder and President of Dutch Sheets Ministries and author of Intercessory Prayer 

When He Opens the Heavens

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    Franklin, TN 37064



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